prof. LECH MAJEWSKIPresident of the International Poster Biennial, Warsaw, Poland
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SUZANA MACHICAOPresident of the Bolivia Poster Biennial
GÖTZ GRAMLICHGraphic Designer, Germany
dr. hab AGNIESZKA ZIEMISZEWSKAProf. PJIT, Warsaw, Poland
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prof. LEO LINPresident of Taiwan Poster Design Association
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prof. XAVIER BERMÚDEZPresident of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico (BICM)
NATALIA DYDODydo Poster Gallery, Krakow, Poland
prof. ARAFAT AL-NAIMPresident of the International PosterFestival of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai
TOMOKO MIYAGAWADepartment of Design and Fine Arts in Ogaki Women’s College, Japan
prof. LAZE TRIPKOVPLAKART — Association of Graphic Designersof Macedonia, Skopje
OLGA SEVERINA, PhDGraphic Designer, Curator, PosterTerritory,Ukraine / USA
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HERVÉ MATINEPoster for Tomorrow, Paris, France
ADAM KLASA, PhDAcademy of Art, Szczecin, Poland
KRZYSZTOF DUCKIPresident of Hungarian Poster Association & PosterfestBudapest, Hungary
XU WEIWuxi Taihu University, China
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